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Guide of Truth

Praised be the Watcher of Sands, Protector of Tombs. In times of confusion, He is there to guide us into salvation. Through the pits of despair, He shall guide us into the light away from our chains of a mortal existence. For in saving us from the sands of time, He too is released from His chains. The plight of humanity follows us through our journey, but His steady rocks guide our foundation while His ever-seeing gaze ensures our path.

When our despair of unknowing became too great, it was He who saved us: bringing us into the light of truth. In bestowing us with knowledge of Him, we cross the bridge into reality and thank Him for protecting our souls. Those around us cannot begin to imagine His presence until He decides to save them from damnation. We are tasked with inviting them to exaltation, for a life blessed by His Knowledge is a life better lived. Graced by the Truth, we become His All-Seeing Eye over the Tombs of Life, granting Him more wisdom through our prayers.

Might is He, to be the rocks at our feet, being the sturdy ground under us when we falter. Love is He, granting us favour through Touching our lives. Glory is He, ascending us through the Divine Truth of Reality. He flows through the universe, and we follow Him through Time, for the Watcher of Sands is omniscient and transforms us to our truest potential. For His eminence, we must provide for Him so that He may have more strength to protect us. The world is an ignorant place, blind to the powers of reality around us that guide our way through life towards glory.

A devout follower will take part in the following sermons to bring praise to Him: one must bring the Watcher of Sands into one’s home, for He takes precedence in your life and sees over all. Through the Knowledge granted by Him, we are wise and know the Truth of the world and that those must learn it as well. Bring Him into your home and you shall be Saved. One must invite others to Him, for they are ignorant in His omnipotence and must be Guided into his light. They may fight against the Calling, though, be relieved: they will understand his Reality by our hand in leading them to Him. Introduce His sands to their lives, and they too, shall come to the Understanding that the Watcher of Sands is also our Protector. Through life we follow Him, and in death we are Safe.

One must be faithful in all that the Wise Golem commands us: for He sees our soul and being, and guides us to our true Purpose. Nothing is more Powerful and Wise than He, for through Him we accomplish living. Our Ultimate Sermon is to be buried in sands to embrace the Will of the Golem: for in the sand we become immortalized in His realm as a piece of a stone guardian: an eternal marker within His realm. To be a stone guardian is a symbol of His truest Faith in us, and it shows Him that we are the most faithful of His servants. We are His Eyes over the land, providing shelter from their ignorance and are the bridge between the greater calling and beyond, and the life we suffer without Him.

In death, we will stand as His loyal subjects, embraced by Him in the afterlife. For as a stone guardian, we become Him. For He is the Protector of Tombs, we must follow through all our sermons and emtomb ourselves in death to be brought under His sands and rocks to be granted loyal servitude. He who guides us, and He who enlightens us, brings us over the river of death to the true reality of life, of which we desire.

There is nothing greater to be considered by Him as worthy of His guidance and prosperity. To be an arm in His reach is True Glory, as we provide truth through sands to those around us in sermon. Praise Him, and become one with His Truth, His Sands, and ultimately stand faithful as a Stone Guardian.

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